After hearing about it via Liz Noonan a few days ago, I signed up to participate in Craftaholics anonymous'Handmade Gift Exchange. It's my first time participating in it and I've been paired up with Haley who is the brains behind The Zen of Making blog. It's twice as lovely to be partnered up with someone so inspiring and creative and I'm looking forward to surprising her.
Look what the mail brought today! 2lb of unsorted vintage buttons from lil fish studios. She's had give-aways and listed these bags before, but they were always sold out by the time I got to them. This time, when I saw her post on twitter, I jumped at the chance and I'm not disappointed in the least. There are some real beauties here. I am full of ideas and excited to create things just for...
There are so many blogs, but not as many doing such a fine job as Knit For Needs.
They collect more than just knitwear! If you'd prefer to crochet something, that is welcomed too! They collect and donate any and all hand knit/crochet items directly to people in need across the U.S.
From their site:
"Blankets, hats, mittens, scarves, socks, slippers, toys... anything you'd like to donate, even if...
July 21st: I leaned on the silo for a sandwich and a book, happy no one noticed.
The habit blog was kind and generous enough to open their blog to its readers for the entire month of July and I was fortunate enough to have one of my photos chosen from the flickr pool and have it included on the site.
As a daily reader of this blog, I have to admit what an honor it was to visit the blog that day and...
Adele has the most fascinating maternity leave hobby. While her baby daughter Mila is taking her nap, she creates scene around her and takes quick snap photos.