They really have been! Just yesterday, I was at the lake with my son Kevin and we enjoyed walking around, absorbing the beautiful Autumn colors. This is our "peak week" and it seems as if each leaf is a different color. To me, it's so important to get out and experience the seasons and all they bring with them before they pass you by. Too many people tend to complain their way through these...
It's been great to be back at home but it's amazing how after being away for a short time, there are so many changes noticed almost instantly after my return. The leaves are fading, the ground is damp and there has been a chill in the air. Just last night, I witnessed birds flying South! Beautiful as it may be, I'm not sure how ready I am to say goodbye to the gardens. In fact, they are in need of...
Starting to gear up for Fall and the colors it will bring. We're planning several local craft shows during this time and will be posting the dates on facebook soon. If you're not a facebook-er and prefer to sign up for our rare email updates, that is awesome too. We have been working on bringing you new creatures, dolls, hats, fingerless mitts and more and are excited to see you at these events.
Lately, I've been so busy with the shop and the recent shows. No matter how hard I've tried to switch gears and focus more on the clay and sculptures, there is some drying time with that and I find myself diving back into my vast collection of fibrous materials. In the end, I'm trying to push away the scattered feeling and to help do that, I've been listening to thisand maybe you'll enjoy it too.