Lately, I've been so busy with the shop and the recent shows. No matter how hard I've tried to switch gears and focus more on the clay and sculptures, there is some drying time with that and I find myself diving back into my vast collection of fibrous materials. In the end, I'm trying to push away the scattered feeling and to help do that, I've been listening to thisand maybe you'll enjoy it too.
I fell instantly in love with Mountain Man's Song "How'm I Doin'" a few days ago while listening to this mix. Today, I found their site and the video above. I hope you fall too.
There is a site aptly named The Canal Sessions and it is a project by producer Maarten Besseling and music journalist Matthijs van der Ven who both live in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Their most recent offering includes of one of my favorite musicians, Damien Jurado.
Damienwas an artist before he was ever a musician and didn't learn to play guitar until he was 20 when he began by making homemade...
Beachwood Sparks' "By Your Side" was in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and I've had it stuck in my head ever since seeing it last Thursday.The movie was cool, the soundtrack is fun and Michael Cera has mastered awkwardness like I've never seen before.