This is how my sunflowers keep coming back each year. As I clip the spent flowers, I place them at the base. The bees are still happy and my flowers keep growing:
This summer has been hot and this summer has been long. Oh, wait. It's only half over so far and this is a good thing because I have a ton of knitting to do.
The last week has been perfect as far as figuring out which gifts I'll be knitting for my loved ones and I've been lucky enough to be keeping busy with custom orders too. It's also been perfect for designing some new and exciting pieces for...
I nurture my poppy plant all year long. It's growing larger and larger each year and blooms more and more too. The flowers now reach my waist and though I've tried unsuccessfully to start another from this beauty, I've not had luck. I'm still happy with this one Jurassic sized specimen.
I find the poppy to be stunning and showy. I hope to make some progress this weekend with the gathering of old...
Never before have I seen a miniature orchid until last week. All of a sudden, I had to have it.
Sure I've had several orchids. They always look healthy and then it happens. The first leaf drops, then the second and so on. I water/lightly feed them once per month and spritz them with water and supply them carefully with filtered light. Simply put, they hate me and I'm not sure why. I nurture them...