We are proud to announce we have launched new one-of-a-kind batches of hand painted Merino yarns in many different weights and fiber combinations. We source and mill locally and all of our products are made in America.
I've been cat-sitting for a week now. Lucy is so sweet and Quasi & Lola have been so patient with her. I forget how calming having a cat around is. She is a complete yarnoholic and when she's home, they have to hide the yarn from her. She has an entire basket of toys, but will find anything fibrous unless it is locked away. So far, so good here.
I did it! I made this gorgeous pair of slippers in less than a day to give to my mother for Christmas. They took me a little longer than 90 minutes to do the actual knitting than the Yarn Harlot site suggested, but they're done and quite lovely. I'm confident the knitting will take less time if I make another pair. I've felted with Lamb's Prideyarn before, but I may have just fallen completely for...