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yesterdaydream — knitting

The Very Softest Heat

adopted commercial craftivism knitting

If I had my way, my home would eventually look like this. I found this video on the craftivism site and loved it instantly. The making of this commercial is creatively inspiring. Hoping your weekend feels like this.

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Monkey, geraniums, oh my!

adopted avacado edamame feet gardening geranium green knitting monkey monkey socks plants spring yesterdaydream

I've been placing certain plants outside and I'm already seeing results. This geranium was adopted from my mother last Fall. As she was getting ready to throw them into her compost, I asked her for one. It's beautiful.
I'm beginning to work on some side-projects in my spare time and one of them is to continue my Monkey Socks. This is a project I started last Spring and haven't really looked at. In...

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French Press Felted Slippers

christmas classic felted fiber french french press knits gift gray handmade holiday inspiration knits knitting lamb's pride mom paton's press slippers wool yarn harlot

I did it! I made this gorgeous pair of slippers in less than a day to give to my mother for Christmas. They took me a little longer than 90 minutes to do the actual knitting than the Yarn Harlot site suggested, but they're done and quite lovely. I'm confident the knitting will take less time if I make another pair. I've felted with Lamb's Prideyarn before, but I may have just fallen completely for...

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The Knitted Science

crochet discovery handmade inspiration knitalatte knitted knitting nerds science the knitted science

What happens when science nerds get hold of knitting needles & crochet hooks? Discovery the brilliant world of knitted science here:

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Splashy Colors & Baby Hats

babies baby children's cute donation fall family fun handmade hat hats hospital inspiration knitting leafy leaves nature

The colors are changing all around me! Everywhere I go, there is a beautiful collection of bright splashy colors and dusty blues with greens. I love Fall!
I've also been making baby hats for family and friends. It seems like everyone is  or has a baby and they've been cute and fun to make. I'm thinking about making a few to donate and a few for my shoptoo. If you're reading this and know of an...

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