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yesterdaydream — wool

New In The Shop

adorable cactus ceramic desrt felted felting fiber flora flowers gift natural needle felting new in the shop seedling seedlings sprout wool

I'm making a few more of these in different styles, but these are my first and I couldn't wait to show you! If you'd like a better look, please check them out here: and here: - they're pretty adorable!

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New In The Shop

colorful creatures felted george gift handmade monsters murray needle new in the shop process vitelli wool

I was inspired to make a needle felted monster for my little niece who just turned seven. She will love him so much (he's the purple guy on the right). During the process of creating him from a puff of wool, I fell in love with the technique and created a few more. Murray is the guy on the left with the three eyes and three legs. Vitelliis the blue guy and those are his records which fit into a...

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Baby Mittens

babies baby christmas cozy custom orders etsy facebook fontana shop holidays knitting merino mittens new in the shop soft stripy warm wool

I've been knitting up some baby mittens, both for the shop and also some custom pairs. They're made from superwash merino, which makes them machine washable and super convenient. I plan on making more during and after the Christmas holiday and will definitely be adding more soon. They're stripy, super adorable, soft and made especially to keep the tiniest hands warm with style.
I should also...

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Lettuce Babies & New Yarn!

baby lettuce natural organic ravelry seven wool yaks yarn

Well, my lettuce is growing steadily, but the weather outside doesn't seem to be cooperating very well. We received almost another foot of snow since yesterday. Spring is only 22 days away!

I will have plenty to keep me busy in this winter wonderland because yesterday, I received 2 beautiful skeins of natural white pure wool yarn from SevenYaks. I'm going to look on Ravelryfor a few ideas and wind...

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French Press Felted Slippers

christmas classic felted fiber french french press knits gift gray handmade holiday inspiration knits knitting lamb's pride mom paton's press slippers wool yarn harlot

I did it! I made this gorgeous pair of slippers in less than a day to give to my mother for Christmas. They took me a little longer than 90 minutes to do the actual knitting than the Yarn Harlot site suggested, but they're done and quite lovely. I'm confident the knitting will take less time if I make another pair. I've felted with Lamb's Prideyarn before, but I may have just fallen completely for...

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