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No Hole In My Head

artist candy wrappers inspiration malvina reynolds music no hole in my head revolution video

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Frozen for Winter

basil burpee freezing garden gardening gardens recycle sauce seed tomatoe

wash and uncap

boil just long enough to easily remove skins

set on a plate, tops down and slide the skins off

halve and cool

Adding a sprig of fresh basil before freezing locks in a fresh flavor. I use Big Mama Plumtomatoes and usually start them as seeds myself in recycled newspaper pots I also make. They are meaty and enormous and make beautiful sauces. There are minimal seeds in this type of...

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Anastassia Eilas

anastassia eilas art artist cardboard eco impressive inspiration recycle rolls scenes toilet paper

Anastassia Eilasis making art in the least likely of places, inside of toilet paper rolls. Using paper that is similar to the roll itself, she gives the illusion that the scenes taking place inside of the rolls are actually part of the roll themselves. The detail and depth of each little piece is pretty amazing, especially considering the scale. She claims it only takes her an hour to complete...

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art artists classic creativity etsy found garter garterlady inspiration lovelies petticoat purse sewlola smocked themeasure timeless

Ruffles are so timeless and beautiful. I have found the few featured here to be breathtaking uses of the technique. So feminine and rich, with subtle hints of blues.

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Scrumptious Bobbles

alpaca baby alpaca bobbles classic etsy exciting fall kick off new in the shop pink scrumptious

This beautiful piece can be worn up or down. It's so soft, warm and squishy; you're going to love it. For more details, please take a look here.

We will be adding several new items to kick off the Fall line, so please be sure to check back for those.

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