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The First Step Is Admitting You're Packing A Yarnball

camel college john john s. john sherman kaleidoscope knitter oasis packing a yarnball snack shop the college voice tweeting yarnball yarns

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antique bell blog boats bold classic design enhabiten fanny findings handmade ideas jollytimeon lovelies my parents were awesome phone rotary satisfind telephone vintage

I've been craving vintage in a bad way. Anything full of character and old. It is slowly making me avoid anything new and shiny. Things were indeed made better and why not use those things that we already have?
  • From vintage toy boats and handmade leather boxes to pudding molds and telephones, satisfind's shop has you covered.
  • I found enhabiten's shop this week. I...

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easter eggs family gardens outside perennials spring weeding

I love the colors of Easter. The perfect blend of pastels smell of candy. I've been spending so much time outside lately. My gardens are all weeded except for the vegetable garden. I have quite a bit of work to do in there and well, I've been saving the worst for last with that job. I've been digging up some of my perennials and sharing them with family and friends. 

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Bright Star

abbie cornish ben whishaw brawne bright bright star crochet fanny granny handmade john keats square squares star

Have you seen the movie Bright Star? It's the love story about John Keats and Fanny Brawne. It was a beautifully made movie. The story, the direction, the acting, the wardrobe! Oh, the wardrobe!

Above, Abbie Cornish is wearing a small sweater made completely out of miniature granny squares. Her character carefully sews and designs each of the exquisite pieces she wears throughout the movie. They...

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The Very Softest Heat

adopted commercial craftivism knitting

If I had my way, my home would eventually look like this. I found this video on the craftivism site and loved it instantly. The making of this commercial is creatively inspiring. Hoping your weekend feels like this.

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