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Monkey, geraniums, oh my!

adopted avacado edamame feet gardening geranium green knitting monkey monkey socks plants spring yesterdaydream

I've been placing certain plants outside and I'm already seeing results. This geranium was adopted from my mother last Fall. As she was getting ready to throw them into her compost, I asked her for one. It's beautiful.
I'm beginning to work on some side-projects in my spare time and one of them is to continue my Monkey Socks. This is a project I started last Spring and haven't really looked at. In...

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Beautiful Day!

adorable alex baby birthday children family flowers love nephew run shadow spring toddler walk

I found these on my morning walk today. They were so tiny, but a sure confirmation that Spring is here. A day early, but I'm noticing things popping up all over. When you look at the trees, there is actual color in their silhouettes. I love this time of year.
Today is also my birthday. I started it all off with a sweet morning walk with my 17 month-old nephew and we had some serious fun. He's at...

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  Here are several items I just came across. If you have moment, click the links and visit the shops, because they have some other great pieces.

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cat fiber lola love lucy pet quasi sitting toys yarn

I've been cat-sitting for a week now. Lucy is so sweet and Quasi & Lola have been so patient with her. I forget how calming having a cat around is. She is a complete yarnoholic and when she's home, they have to hide the yarn from her. She has an entire basket of toys, but will find anything fibrous unless it is locked away. So far, so good here.

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Simon Schubert

architectural artist beckett cologne folded germany media mixed napkin paper schubert simon surrealism

Simon Schubert is an artist based in Cologne, Germany. He is inspired equally by Surrealism and Samuel Beckett. His works imagine architectonical settings, common situations and objects, whereas the material he uses are either simple or sophisticated - white paper folded or mixed media arrangements.

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