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A Sky Full of Kindness

art artist cut-outs etsy handmade inspiration lovely magical paper rob ryan romantic special ukraine

"We're all the same people we were when we were children, we're just bigger and pretend that we're not." -Rob Ryan
What could be a greater way to celebrate the world than acknowledging the beauty in the everyday?
Read the full Etsy blog post here:
I just adore his work and if you have a chance to check out his...

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Fresh Off The Needles

blackberries cowl custom custom orders double french press knit golden knitwear mistress cowl neck neckwarmer sexy vampy warm yellow

I've been lucky enough to be so busy with several custom orders. I made the above cowl by double-knitting this piece for Juliana. She mentioned she has an eggplant-colored coat and wanted this golden color to 'pop' against it. By double-knitting this, it gave the cowl a perfect weight and warmth. I'm so pleased she loves it so much. She has recently ordered a hat to match and I'll be making that...

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...and just like that, Fall is here!

acorns autumn birds chill craft fair fall felting gardens harvest pumpkins scarflette show tops walks woodstock

It's been great to be back at home but it's amazing how after being away for a short time, there are so many changes noticed almost instantly after my return. The leaves are fading, the ground is damp and there has been a chill in the air. Just last night, I witnessed birds flying South! Beautiful as it may be, I'm not sure how ready I am to say goodbye to the gardens. In fact, they are in need of...

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Ho-omeward Bound

beautiful california cotton shop delancey etsy homeless marge bakery megan northwest oregon Portland sam seattle space needle vacation washington

I'm currently in flight over the Rocky Mountains, on my way home. I've been in motion for over a week now, traveling to Seattle to visit my brother Sam. In addition to seeing him and seeing the sites in Seattle, we decided to take a 15+ hour drive to Oakland/San Francisco via Route 5 to meet Megan. She was the best hostess and gave me a fine tour of the entire Bay Area. Her sunny disposition is...

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Taking a trip...

brother cotton shop family fingerless hats inspiration leftsiders mitts sam seattle trip vacation

Hi everyone! Starting tomorrow, the shop will be on vacation until September 26th. If there was something you have your heart set on, you may want to claim it now. Your order will ship ASAP.

I'll be in Seattle visiting my little brother Samfor a very much needed vacation but will be updating my blog during this time. We always have fun and it's going to be great to see his side of the world. I'm...

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