Starting to gear up for Fall and the colors it will bring. We're planning several local craft shows during this time and will be posting the dates on facebook soon. If you're not a facebook-er and prefer to sign up for our rare email updates, that is awesome too. We have been working on bringing you new creatures, dolls, hats, fingerless mitts and more and are excited to see you at these events.
We went to our local Farmer's Market today to see what's out there and mostly just to walk it. It's fun listening to the different people, music and comments people make in this type of place. At one point, we went from hearing Lady GaGa to The Bobbettes. One guy went walking away singing "...Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee...." In these places, I love people the most. Everyone is looking for a deal and...
There are several sets of Eco Spa Scrubbies in the shop! Most people ask "What are they for?" and I'm pleased to explain:
Everyone washes their face and these are perfect for anyone. Use them instead of cotton balls for makeup removal, for acne scrubs, lathering soap or face creams.
This summer has been hot and this summer has been long. Oh, wait. It's only half over so far and this is a good thing because I have a ton of knitting to do.
The last week has been perfect as far as figuring out which gifts I'll be knitting for my loved ones and I've been lucky enough to be keeping busy with custom orders too. It's also been perfect for designing some new and exciting pieces for...
These are a few of my most recent favorites. They can all be found on etsy and the links are below each image. Please take a moment and check out their lovely shops. Thanks for supporting handmade.