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yesterdaydream — new in the shop

Got Owls?

birds blue eyes children etsy fontana shop fun hoot jonathan new in the shop owls plush starry stitched toys

There are a few owls in the shop right now! They are perfectly stitched and looking for new homes. They are a hoot to have around and each has huge safety eyes too! Do you know someone who would love to have one? Have a look here.

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Springing Ahead!

beautiful eggs gardens inspiration nest new in the shop robins seedlings spring toys

I can't help but to be excited about Spring being here. My seedlings are inches high, my gardens are in the process of being cleaned up and I even noticed my little robin coming home to check out her empty nest. I posted some photos of her beautiful blue eggs last year. Inspired by her and also by having the honor of watching her tiny fledglings take off each year, I've created a small nest with...

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New In The Shop

colorful creatures felted george gift handmade monsters murray needle new in the shop process vitelli wool

I was inspired to make a needle felted monster for my little niece who just turned seven. She will love him so much (he's the purple guy on the right). During the process of creating him from a puff of wool, I fell in love with the technique and created a few more. Murray is the guy on the left with the three eyes and three legs. Vitelliis the blue guy and those are his records which fit into a...

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art art doll blue eyes creations creature etsy french press knits handmade knitting meemer new in the shop red secrets souchy hat yellow yesterdaydream

Meet Meemer. He listens to your secrets and never speaks a word. His soft red body is so squishy and flops when tossed upon a chair. He is super special and I can't wait for him to find a great home. Hopefully, he'll find someone who loves him as much as I do. 

He was also featured last month in my Underneath it Allpost. He was the one with the purple heart carefully stitched below his hand knit...

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New In The Shop

adorable bunny critter etsy french press knits handmade new in the shop piney rabbit randolph repurposed upcycled

Randolph is a Piney. He enjoys strolls through the Pine Barrens. He collects moss and pine cones when no one is looking and appreciates the beauty of the woods.

He loves to cuddle and keeps warm with the handknit sweater I made custom for him from merino wool. Randolph stands at 11 inches, making him perfect for smaller hands. He is entirely handstitched from a repurposed wool, cashmere and...

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