I would have to say getting out to explore the simple things around me. In this case, I've had my eye on an abandoned house close by. It sits on private property so I don't want to share the exact name or location to assure it will remain free of vandals.
I can't help but imagine the families who lived here and wonder why this old beauty was left to decay and have birds...
I remember growing up, my father would play the accordian most nights and I'd fall asleep to those gentle songs he'd fill the house with for hours at a time. Back then, I never knew how much I'd miss those times but think of them each time I see a lovely accordian. They always remind me of being a little girl and special times.
Look what the mail brought today! 2lb of unsorted vintage buttons from lil fish studios. She's had give-aways and listed these bags before, but they were always sold out by the time I got to them. This time, when I saw her post on twitter, I jumped at the chance and I'm not disappointed in the least. There are some real beauties here. I am full of ideas and excited to create things just for...
This super sweet pair of fingerless mitts were created from a vintage wool sweater and now have a new useful life ahead. I love the shade of green and the hand stitched flowers really give them a lovely touch. More photos and info is here.