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yesterdaydream — vintage


antique bell blog boats bold classic design enhabiten fanny findings handmade ideas jollytimeon lovelies my parents were awesome phone rotary satisfind telephone vintage

I've been craving vintage in a bad way. Anything full of character and old. It is slowly making me avoid anything new and shiny. Things were indeed made better and why not use those things that we already have?
  • From vintage toy boats and handmade leather boxes to pudding molds and telephones, satisfind's shop has you covered.
  • I found enhabiten's shop this week. I...

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beautiful colorful crate etsy garden inspiration knitalatte knitter knitting lovelies nestahome patchwork plants skirt thimble thread urbanprairiegirl vintage

I've found so many beautiful things on etsy and find myself perusing them quiet regularly. If you have a moment, you should take a look at the above.

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