My last post before this included a photo of a sunflower in my garden and then I received this lovely sunflower brooch from Haley at The Zen of Making blog! Thank you Haley for somehow reading my mind and making me such a perfect and beautiful gift. How much fun is this? I can pin it to my bag or a cardigan. Rarely, do I spend time to make things for myself. Haley's siteis quickly becoming one of...
Today was the perfect day for finishing up what felt like a million tiny things. It was exciting to mail out my gift for the Handmade Gift Exchange and the anticipation of having it be received is making me anxious. Nothing like waiting until the very last minute to get it shipped. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone sent and received too! Mostly, I hope it's loved.
Each year the hollyhocks multiply and multiply in the garden outside my bedroom window. I find them so lovely and beautiful in the way they open one by one. Early in the Spring, I staggered the way they're planted to space them nicely and give them enough space to delight me for years to come. Maybe I should find another color to mix within? Any suggestions?
After hearing about it via Liz Noonan a few days ago, I signed up to participate in Craftaholics anonymous'Handmade Gift Exchange. It's my first time participating in it and I've been paired up with Haley who is the brains behind The Zen of Making blog. It's twice as lovely to be partnered up with someone so inspiring and creative and I'm looking forward to surprising her.
As I felt them surround us with their sweet gentle faces, I realized summer is here and look forward to seeing them again soon. I was thrilled to share them with my nephew. His excitement mirrored my own.